About Us

Since 2015 Centralized Procurement System, many of the required outcomes are also reflected keeping the legacy of the existing IITR procurement process and the framework that underpins IITR Purchase & Store Rule, which aligns Material Management activities with broader objectives including prompt response and building procurement capability. There has been a strong achievement in procurement reform and many of the initiatives are embedded and subject to regular review and improvement.

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Facilities at Material Management

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee


MM successfully implemented GeM,The Procurement of Goods & Services by Ministries or Departments will be mandatory for Goods or Services available on GeM. The credentials of suppliers on GeM shall be certified by DGS&D. The procuring authorities will certify the reasonability of rates. The GeM portal shall be utilized by the Govn. buyers for direct on-line purchases. (Please refer GFR-149)

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MM successfully implemented e-tendering https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app The e-Procurement System (CPPP) of India enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.

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To be implemented soon. https://eauction.gov.in The Government e-Auctioning System enables the auctioneers to download the Auction Schedule free of cost and then participate in the auction online through



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